Your direct mail project is exactly how you envisioned it. You’ve agonized over the messaging. You’ve perfected the design. Now, how do you get it into the right hands?
The truth is, even the most impressive direct mail piece won’t promote your business unless it gets to your target audience. That’s why we specialize in mailing list management and procurement.
The Mail Haus staff is dedicated to using our mailing services expertise to achieve your direct mail marketing goals. We’ll work with you to build the best list possible for your message and target audiences.
Determining the Right Mailing List
Demographics are just a small part of the mailing list management process. At The Mail Haus, we’ll run your lists against national and USPS databases to remove erroneous addresses and duplicates to ensure that your mailing meets national guidelines and saves you money.
At The Mail Haus our mailing services experts always take the extra, detailed steps that help ensure our clients’ success. Once your lists are finalized, we can design the delivery address and personalize each piece, too.
We’ll help your mailing list reach your target audience
Find out how we can perfect your mailing list management and get your messaging to your audience every time. Contact us today.
Tracking of Delivery
Do you need to staff a call center, but need to know when how many pieces will be delivered on any given day? The Mail Haus can help you tracking and reporting on a mailing or individual basis. And with the help of the USPS, we can even send emails the day of delivery or after the mailer arrives at your customer’s house. And to top it off, we also have the ability to notify your sales staff that Peter Olson received his offer today.
Request a Quote
Or contact The Mail Haus by phone, fax or e-mail, to request a quote.